51) How to concatenate the URL and open in new URL in new tab of browser
. Hello every one during the time of working i got one requirement to concatenate the URL and pass the parameter in It and open in the new tab of browser
Business requirement : -
New parameter field ‘DPMS
URL’ will be added in ‘Asset Management parameters’ form to define the URL
template for each legal entity.
2. New field ‘Work Order Type
Classification’ field will be added in ‘Work Order Type’ form to identify the
DPMS work order type or pipeline work orders.
3 3. New button ‘DPMS Link’
will be added in Work order action pane to provide the link to the DPMS.
SStep 1: - Firstly create a unified class to concatenate the URL: -
// <summary>
/// The <c>AVAUrlFormat</c> class handles the replace of string
/// </summary>
class AVAUrlFormat
/// <summary>
/// concatenate the String based on the map
/// </summary>
public static str formatUrlFromMap(str _templateString, Map _variableMap)
MapEnumerator mapEnumerator = _variableMap.getEnumerator();
str resultString = _templateString;
while (mapEnumerator.moveNext())
//Here it will replace the string
resultString = strReplace(resultString, mapEnumerator.currentKey(), mapEnumerator.currentValue());
return resultString;
Step 2 : - Create the another class and call this method to open in the new browser
Step 2 : - Create the another class and call this method to open in the new browser
// /// <summary>
/// The <c>AVADpmsOpenUrl</c> class handles the Validation and replace the string
/// </summary>
class AvaEntAssetDpmsOpenUrl
AvaPipelineKMPost kmPostValue;
AvaPipelineYearOfIssue yearOfIsssue;
str sourceID;
const str kmPost = '{KmPost}';
const str year = '{YearOfIssue}';
/// <summary>
/// Method will helps to open the DPMS Url to a new tab in browser
/// </summary>
public static void main(Args _args)
AvaEntAssetDpmsOpenUrl openDpmsUrl;
case tableNum(EntAssetWorkOrderTable):
openDpmsUrl = AvaEntAssetDpmsOpenUrl::ConstructFromWorkOrderTable(_args.record() as EntAssetWorkOrderTable);
throw error(strFmt("@AVATransMountain:AVAParameterIsMissingValue_Label", tablePName(EntAssetWorkOrderTable)));
if (openDpmsUrl.validate())
protected void new()
public static AvaEntAssetDpmsOpenUrl ConstructFromWorkOrderTable(EntAssetWorkOrderTable _workOrderTable)
var openDpmsUrl = new AvaEntAssetDpmsOpenUrl();
return openDpmsUrl;
public boolean validate()
boolean ret = true;
if (!kmPostValue )
ret = checkFailed(strFmt("@AVATransMountain:AVADPMSMissingField_Label", sourceId, fieldId2Name(tableNum(EntAssetWorkOrderTable),fieldnum(EntAssetWorkOrderTable, AvaPipelineKMPost))));
if (!yearOfIsssue)
ret = checkFailed(strFmt("@AVATransMountain:AVADPMSMissingField_Label", sourceId, fieldId2Name(tableNum(EntAssetWorkOrderTable),fieldnum(EntAssetWorkOrderTable, AvaPipelineYearofIssue))));
return ret;
public AvaPipelineKMPost parmKMPost(AvaPipelineKMPost _kmPostValue)
kmPostValue = _kmPostValue;
return kmPostValue;
public AvaPipeLineYearOfIssue parmYearOfIssue(AvaPipeLineYearOfIssue _yearOfIsssue)
yearOfIsssue = _yearOfIsssue;
return yearOfIsssue;
public str ParmSourceID(str _sourceID)
sourceID = _sourceID;
return sourceID;
/// <summary>
/// runs the actual logic
/// </summary>
public void run()
str url;
str dpmsUrl;
url = AvaEntAssetGlobalParameters::find().PipelineUrlTemplate;
dpmsUrl = this.formatUrl(url, kmPostValue, yearOfIsssue);
//To open the Url in browser new Tab
Browser browser = new Browser();
browser.navigate(dpmsUrl, true, false);
private str formatUrl(AvaPipelineUrlTemplate _url, AvaPipelineKMPost _kmPost, AvaPipeLineYearOfISsue _year)
Map urlMap = new Map(Types::string, Types::String);
urlMap.insert(kmPost, Global::real2double(_kmPost).ToString());
urlMap.insert(year, int2Str(_year));
// Here we have to pass the parameter which calls the another method to get the final URL Value.
return AVAUrlFormat::formatUrlFromMap(_url, urlMap);
/// The <c>AVADpmsOpenUrl</c> class handles the Validation and replace the string
/// </summary>
class AvaEntAssetDpmsOpenUrl
AvaPipelineKMPost kmPostValue;
AvaPipelineYearOfIssue yearOfIsssue;
str sourceID;
const str kmPost = '{KmPost}';
const str year = '{YearOfIssue}';
/// <summary>
/// Method will helps to open the DPMS Url to a new tab in browser
/// </summary>
public static void main(Args _args)
AvaEntAssetDpmsOpenUrl openDpmsUrl;
case tableNum(EntAssetWorkOrderTable):
openDpmsUrl = AvaEntAssetDpmsOpenUrl::ConstructFromWorkOrderTable(_args.record() as EntAssetWorkOrderTable);
throw error(strFmt("@AVATransMountain:AVAParameterIsMissingValue_Label", tablePName(EntAssetWorkOrderTable)));
if (openDpmsUrl.validate())
protected void new()
public static AvaEntAssetDpmsOpenUrl ConstructFromWorkOrderTable(EntAssetWorkOrderTable _workOrderTable)
var openDpmsUrl = new AvaEntAssetDpmsOpenUrl();
return openDpmsUrl;
public boolean validate()
boolean ret = true;
if (!kmPostValue )
ret = checkFailed(strFmt("@AVATransMountain:AVADPMSMissingField_Label", sourceId, fieldId2Name(tableNum(EntAssetWorkOrderTable),fieldnum(EntAssetWorkOrderTable, AvaPipelineKMPost))));
if (!yearOfIsssue)
ret = checkFailed(strFmt("@AVATransMountain:AVADPMSMissingField_Label", sourceId, fieldId2Name(tableNum(EntAssetWorkOrderTable),fieldnum(EntAssetWorkOrderTable, AvaPipelineYearofIssue))));
return ret;
public AvaPipelineKMPost parmKMPost(AvaPipelineKMPost _kmPostValue)
kmPostValue = _kmPostValue;
return kmPostValue;
public AvaPipeLineYearOfIssue parmYearOfIssue(AvaPipeLineYearOfIssue _yearOfIsssue)
yearOfIsssue = _yearOfIsssue;
return yearOfIsssue;
public str ParmSourceID(str _sourceID)
sourceID = _sourceID;
return sourceID;
/// <summary>
/// runs the actual logic
/// </summary>
public void run()
str url;
str dpmsUrl;
url = AvaEntAssetGlobalParameters::find().PipelineUrlTemplate;
dpmsUrl = this.formatUrl(url, kmPostValue, yearOfIsssue);
//To open the Url in browser new Tab
Browser browser = new Browser();
browser.navigate(dpmsUrl, true, false);
private str formatUrl(AvaPipelineUrlTemplate _url, AvaPipelineKMPost _kmPost, AvaPipeLineYearOfISsue _year)
Map urlMap = new Map(Types::string, Types::String);
urlMap.insert(kmPost, Global::real2double(_kmPost).ToString());
urlMap.insert(year, int2Str(_year));
// Here we have to pass the parameter which calls the another method to get the final URL Value.
return AVAUrlFormat::formatUrlFromMap(_url, urlMap);
IIn this way we can cocatenate the url and gets the value of it the url we are using like this
We have the URL like this to be put in the parameter for
Link Details : - Link http://xxxxxxx/xxxxx/xxxxxxx?kp={KmPost}&year={YearOfIssue}
C Converted In to the below Link : -
Aviudiclaryo Anish Ruth https://wakelet.com/wake/d72YwN67ZPBOjkJ3dDYoh