43) Import and Export axmodel in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations using command prompt

We can use ModelUtil.exe, is a tool located in the path K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin, where K drive could be different if you are not in a cloud environment.

Export the model store from the source environment
open a cmd with Administrative Privileges and navigate the path of (K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin) ModelUtil.exe, now run this command:
1) ModelUtil.exe -export -metadatastorepath= [path of the metadata
2) store] -modelname=[name of the model to export] -outputpath=[path
3) of folder where model file should be saved] For example 1) Export : - ModelUtil.exe -export -metadatastorepath=K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory -modelname=AVA_BootCampDay6 -outputpath=C:\Users\Admin7c135ff0c7\Documents\Import
If you have already a previous version of the same model, is better delete it before import.
In order to delete a model run this command
ModelUtil.exe -delete -metadatastorepath=[path of the metadata store] -modelname=[name of the model to delete]
For Example
1)  Delete model  :  - K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\bin>ModelUtil.exe -delete -       metadatastorepath=K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory -modelname=AVA_BootCampDay6

Import into the destination evironment
ModelUtil.exe -import -metadatastorepath=[path of the metadata store where model should be imported] -file=[full path of the file to import]
for example
1) Import : - ModelUtil.exe -import -metadatastorepath="K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory" -file="C:\Users\Admin7c135ff0c7\Documents\Export\AVA_BootCampDay6.axmodel"

Than we need to check and fix all conflicts after importing
Build and sycnhronize
after resolving all the conlicts build all models and synchronize the database

Happy Daxing!!


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