How to replace the exiting list and fill the new list value
/// <summary>
/// Converts the <c>orderedRecords</c> map to a list.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The map converted to a list.</returns>
public List convertMapToList()
InventTrans inventTransMarked;
InventTrans inventTransReceipt;
InventTransOrigin inventTransOriginOfProdTable;
ProdTable prodtable;
List resultNew = new List(Types::Record);
List result = new List(Types::Record);
RefRecId inventtransorigirecid;
result = next convertMapToList();
inventtransorigirecid = parameters.movement.inventTransOriginId();
while select inventTransMarked
// group by prodtAble.DlvDate, inventTransMarked.InventTransOrigin
order by inventTransMarked.InventTransOrigin ,prodtable.DlvDate
where inventTransMarked.InventTransOrigin == inventtransorigirecid
//&& inventTransMarked.StatusIssue == StatusIssue::ReservOrdered
//|| inventTransMarked.StatusIssue == StatusIssue::ReservPhysical
//|| inventTransMarked.StatusIssue == StatusIssue::OnOrder
exists join inventTransOriginOfProdTable
where inventTransOriginOfProdTable.RecId == inventTransMarked.MarkingRefInventTransOrigin
&& inventTransOriginOfProdTable.ReferenceCategory == InventTransType::ProdLine
exists join prodtable
where prodtable.ProdId == inventTransOriginOfProdTable.ReferenceId
if(inventTransMarked.RecId && this.existRecordInList_POR(result, inventTransMarked.RecId))
if (resultNew.elements() == result.elements())
// shouldn't happen unless marking is single sided (issue marked on receipt doesn't appear to be marked).
result = null;
result = resultNew;
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if there is a Recid exists in the standard List object.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if there is a record exiSts in List object; otherwise, false</returns>
boolean existRecordInList_POR(List _standardResult, RecId _inventTransRecID)
ListIterator iter = new ListIterator(_standardResult);
inventtrans listInventTrans;
boolean recordFound = false;
while (iter.more())
listInventTrans = iter.value();
if (listInventTrans.RecId == _inventTransRecID) // check value
recordFound = true;
return recordFound;
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