Restore UAT DB in Teir 1 Using DFO Tool
Here's how you can restore the UAT DB in Tier 1 using the DFO tool script:
- Open Windows PowerShell ISE.
- Run the below command:
Write-Host "Get bacpac"
$currentDate = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd
$downloadPath = "J:\MSSQL_BACKUP\MockGL{0}.bacpac" -f $currentDate
$newDBName = "AxDB_{0}" -f $currentDate
Invoke-D365AzCopyTransfer -SourceUri "" -DestinationUri $downloadPath
Write-Host "Update model file"
$path = "J:\MSSQL_BACKUP\model\model.xml"
$pathUpdated = "J:\MSSQL_BACKUP\model\model_updated.xml"
Export-D365BacpacModelFile -Path $downloadPath -OutputPath $path
Get-Content -Path $path | ForEach-Object {$_.Replace('<Property Name="AutoDrop" Value="True" />','')} | Add-Content -Path $pathUpdated
Write-Host "Import Bacpac"
Import-D365Bacpac -ImportModeTier1 -BacpacFile $downloadPath -ModelFile $pathUpdated -NewDatabaseName $newDBName -ShowOriginalProgress -Verbose
Write-Host "Stop all AX Services"
Stop-D365Environment -All
Write-Host "Waiting 60 seconds, just to make sure that all services are really stopped..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
Switch-D365ActiveDatabase -SourceDatabaseName $newDBName
Write-Host "Start DB Sync"
Invoke-D365DBSync -ShowOriginalProgress
Write-Host "Start all AX Services"
Start-D365Environment -All
Write-Host "Waiting 60 seconds, just to make sure that all services are really started..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
Write-Host "Enable users"
Get-D365User -ExcludeSystemUsers | Enable-D365User
This will helps to restore the DB and sync also and also enable all the user
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