MS Dynamics 365 FO Business Events (Po confirm without workflow ) notification
Business events provide a way to alert external systems when a business process is performed in D365 FO (Finance & Operations). There are two types of business action: Workflow action Non-workflow action Business events can be viewed in System administration > Setup > Business events > Business events catalog Business events with Category name starting with “Workflow” belong to the workflow category. For non-workflow, the Category name is normally the same as the name of their module. Endpoints let you define the destination for sending the business events. There are five types of endpoint: Azure Service Bus Queue Azure Service Bus Topic Azure Event Grid Azure Event Hub HTTPS Microsoft Power Automate In the example below, we are going to use the Microsoft Power Automate endpoint. Example: For this example, we are going to use the non-workflow action business event “Purchase order confirmed”. Login to . Go to MyFlow ...