Create lookup method for multiple datasource with no direct relation
Today we have a requiremnt to create look up metho which shows the postion id on the bases of the job . but on the 2 table there is no direct relation so we can see how we join 1) create a look up method on table level. 2) create a lookup method and pass the refernce on datasource filed level. 1) create a look up method on table level. :- static public void lookupPostionID(FormStringControl _formStringControl, str _jobID) { Query query = new Query(); QueryBuildDataSource qbds_HcmPostion; QueryBuildDataSource qbds_HcmPositionActionLine; QueryBuildDataSource qbds_HcmPositionActionDetail; QueryBuildDataSource qbds_Hcmjob; QueryBuildRang...