
Showing posts from September, 2021

Create a SSRS report for VendPurchReceivingLog

 Today we have a requirement to create a VendPurchReceivingLog ssrs report :-  1) Create a Contract class AVAVendPurchReceivingLogContract. 2) Create a DP class AVAVendPurchReceivingLogDP. 1) Create a Contract class AVAVendPurchReceivingLogContract. :-  1) Create a Contract class AVAVendPurchReceivingLogContract. /// <summary> ///    The <c>AVAVendPurchReceivingLogContract</c> class contains all the parameters needed for the report. /// </summary> [     DataContractAttribute ] public class AVAVendPurchReceivingLogContract implements SysOperationValidatable {     FromDate fromDate;     ToDate toDate;     [         DataMemberAttribute(identifierStr(FromDate)),         SysOperationDisplayOrderAttribute('1'),         SysOperationLabelAttribute(literalStr("@SYS5209"))     ]     public FromDate parmFromDate...

Excel export Vendor invoice journal excel template from the form.

 Today we have a requirement to create a custom excel export from the form :-  using Microsoft.Dynamics.Platform.Integration.Office; /// <summary> /// The <c>VendInvoiceJournalExcelTemplate</c> is the supporting class for the Vendor invoice journal excel template. /// </summary> public class AVAVendInvoiceJournalExcelTemplate extends DocuTemplateRegistrationBase implements LedgerIJournalExcelTemplate {     private const DocuTemplateName ExcelTemplateName = resourceStr(WGVendInvoiceJournalTemplate);     private const DataEntityName LineEntityName = tableStr(VendInvoiceJournalLineEntity);     private const FieldName LineEntityJournalNum = fieldStr(VendInvoiceJournalLineEntity, JournalBatchNumber);     private const FieldName LineEntityDataAreaId = fieldStr(VendInvoiceJournalLineEntity, dataAreaId);     private const DataEntityName HeaderEntityName = tableStr(VendInvoiceJournalHeaderEntity);     p...

Customization on Po Report part 2

 Today we have a requirement to customization on the PO report. [ExtensionOf(classStr(PrintMgmtReportFormatPopulator))] final class MMSPrintMgmtReportFormatPopulator_Extension {     #ISOCountryRegionCodes     #PrintMgmtSetup     /// <summary>     /// Adds records to the <c>PrintMgmtReportFormat</c> table.     /// </summary>     protected void addDocuments()     {         next addDocuments();         this.mmsAddPurchaseDocuments();     }     /// <summary>     /// Adds purchase records to the <c>PrintMgmtReportFormat</c> table.     /// </summary>     protected void mmsAddPurchaseDocuments()     {         //PO confirmation         this.addOther(PrintMgmtDocumentType::PurchaseOrderRequisition,           ...

Customization on Po Report part 1

 Today we have a requirement to customize the Po report . 1) Create a extension of the controller class. 2) Create a Dp class extension . 1) Create a extension of the controller class. class AVAPurchPurchaseOrderControllerExt extends PurchPurchaseOrderController {     public static void main(Args _args)     {         SrsReportRunController              formLetterController = AVAPurchPurchaseOrderControllerExt::construct();         AVAPurchPurchaseOrderControllerExt  controller = formLetterController;                 controller.parmReportName(ssrsReportStr(AVAPurchPurchaseOrder, Report));         controller.parmArgs(_args);         controller.parmShowDialog(false);         controller.startOperation();     }     public static AVAPurchPurchaseOrderControllerExt constru...

Customize purchase order confirmation request report.

 Today we have a requirement that create a customization on the po confirmation report  1) Create a controller class. /// <summary> /// The <c>PurchConfirmationRequestControllerExt</c> class starts the purchase order confirmation request report. /// </summary> public class AVAPurchConfirmationRequestControllerExt extends PurchConfirmationRequestController {                public static AVAPurchConfirmationRequestControllerExt construct()     {         return new AVAPurchConfirmationRequestControllerExt();     }     public static void main(Args _args)     {         SrsReportRunController          formLetterController = AVAPurchConfirmationRequestControllerExt::construct();         AVAPurchConfirmationRequestControllerExt    controller =  AVAPurchConfirmationRequestControll...

Create ssrs report (ProductionTraveller) with the print button

 Today we have a requirement that create ssrs report with the setting of the print mangement in the production report. 1) Create a helper  class that will create a print setup. 2) Create a controller class. 3) Create a DP class. 1) Create a helper  class that will create a print setup. :-  class AVAProdTravelerReportHelper {     /// <summary>     ///     /// </summary>     /// <param name="sender"></param>     /// <param name="e"></param>     [FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(ProdParmRelease, ProdParmRelease), FormDataSourceEventType::Created),         FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(ProdParmRelease, ProdParmRelease), FormDataSourceEventType::Activated)]     public static void ProdParmRelease_OnCreated(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)     {         ProdParmRelease prodparm...